Caretaker message
Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.
Families and Communities Program – Strong and Resilient Communities (SARC) Activity
Strong and Resilient Communities – Inclusive Communities grants will support the social and economic participation of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in their communities by providing fundingThe National Early Childhood Program for children with disability or developmental concerns
The National Early Childhood Program for children with disability or developmental concerns (NECP) aims to support young children (aged 0 to 8 years) with newly identified disability or emerging developmental concerns and their parents and carers.Grant Recipient Portal website changes
The Community Grants Hub is continuously improving the Grant Recipient Portal (the Portal) so you can better manage your grants online. A number of improvements were made to the Portal from Monday 13 June 2022.
Our website changes are now Live
The Community Grants website changes are now live. We have simplified the way grants are advertised and made it easier for you to apply for grant opportunities you’re interested in.
Family Relationships Services Program
Grant opportunity – coming soon.
Consultation on new family dispute resolution services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.
Our website is changing
- The Community Grants website will be changing soon.
Building Employer Confidence and Inclusion in Disability
Grant Opportunity – coming soon.
Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC): Economic and Community Participation Program (ECP): Building Employer Confidence and Inclusion in Disability grant opportunity.
Australia’s Disability Strategy – National Disability Conference Initiative
Grant opportunity – coming soon.
National Disability Conference Initiative (NDCI) grant opportunity for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.
Strong and Resilient Communities Activity - Cashless Debit Card (CDC) Support Services – Upcoming Grant Opportunity
A new open competitive grant opportunity for the Strong and Resilient Communities Activity - Cashless Debit Card Support Services (SARC CDC) will be open for application from 27 September until 25 October 2021. Delivery of the SARC CDC activities are expected to commence from February 2022.
National Landcare Program - Smart Farms Small Grants - Soil Extension Activities Grant Opportunity – coming soon
A new open competitive grant opportunity for the National Landcare Program - Smart Farms Small Grants - Soil Extension Activities will be open for application across a period of 6 weeks between August and October 2021.