Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Our website changes are now Live

  • The Community Grants website changes are now live. We have simplified the way grants are advertised and made it easier for you to apply for grant opportunities you’re interested in.
  • As at 21 February 2022, all grants will now be advertised on GrantConnect.
  • We will still provide grant information and feedback on closed grant rounds on the Community Grants Hub website.
  • Recent community feedback had called for more consistency and clarity about where to find information about grants, and how to apply. That’s why GrantConnect will be the one-stop-shop for grant opportunities and to apply for all future grant rounds.
  • To access grant opportunity documents, applicants will need to register with GrantConnect. The registration process ensures all interested applicants are notified of any changes to the grant opportunity, such as additional questions and answers or extensions to closing dates. GrantConnect provides an automated message to applicants whenever changes occur during the submission period.
  • Our hotline support team can assist with any information or queries you may have about grant rounds.
  • The Grant Recipient Portal is still available through this website.
  • This change will make it easier for you to find out about grants and keep up-to-date with any changes that may affect you or your organisation.

Additional information

Why is the Hub making these changes?

  • These changes create a single door solution to improve user experience. It also aligns with the whole-of-government approach to provide a single source for grant opportunity documents and the application process.

When will the Hub make these changes?

  • The new arrangements are now live as at 21 February 2022.

What is GrantConnect?

  • GrantConnect is the Australian Government’s grants information system. It is a centralised system that provides information on forecast and current Australian Government grant opportunities. It also provides information on grants awarded and previous grant opportunities.
  • GrantConnect was established in 2017, and all grant opportunities have been advertised on both GrantConnect and the Community Grants Hub since that time. To provide a single source of information for applicants, and clarity about where grant information can be accessed and to apply, the Community Grants Hub website will simply link users to GrantConnect.

What are the benefits to using GrantConnect?

  • After registering with GrantConnect, users can sign in and view grant opportunity documents before applying for a grant. Users will be notified whenever there are changes to the grant opportunity, such as updates to the Grant Opportunity Guidelines, extensions to closing dates or additional question and answers. This automatic notification ensures that all applicants have access to the same information before the submission period closes.
  • You can also apply for all grant rounds through GrantConnect, making it a one-stop-shop for grant information and to apply.

How do I register with GrantConnect?

  • To register for GrantConnect, go to and click on ‘New User Registration’ in the top right hand corner.

Where should I go for further information about the GrantConnect process?

What happens if I don’t want to register with GrantConnect, will I still be able to see what grants are open for application?

  • No, you will need to register with GrantConnect to access grant documents and apply.
  • Grant opportunities can change over time. That’s why it’s important that all potential applicants register with GrantConnect to ensure they have the most up-to-date information before a grant round closes.

How do I search GrantConnect?

  • Simply visit GrantConnect for information on all current grant opportunities, or use the search function for a specific date.
  • The Hub will continue to list grant information on our website and send email notifications to subscribers with a direct link to GrantConnect.

Who can help me use the GrantConnect website?

I like using the Hub website to apply, will there be any changes to GrantConnect to make it better?

  • The Community Grants Hub understands that some applicants are more familiar with our website, however we are unable to offer improved functionality for our users. GrantConnect provides a more sophisticated technology solution to address this need, and is continually examining other improvement opportunities.

Can I still apply from the Hub website?

  • No. You will not be able to apply through the Hub website, but we will directly link the grant opportunity information to GrantConnect. You can then simply sign in to view the grant opportunity documents and apply.

Will there be any changes to advising of forecast opportunities?

  • No, there will not be any changes to the way the Community Grants Hub advertises upcoming grant opportunities (forecast opportunities).

I receive an email to let me know when a new Hub grant opportunity opens, will that continue after this change?

  • Yes. The Community Grants Hub will send a notification to our subscribers when a new, non-restricted grant opportunity opens. This notification will continue following the change and we will provide a link directly to the grant opportunity on GrantConnect.
  • If you need to subscribe, please visit the Community Grant’s Hub homepage, scroll down to the ‘Subscribe’ section and provide your details.

What will happen to all the information about previous grant opportunities that are currently on the Hub website?

  • All information about grant opportunities prior to the change will remain as it currently is. You will still be able to access grant opportunity documents for prior rounds, and general feedback where it has been provided.

Where should I go for further information about the changes?

Where can I find general feedback for closed rounds?

  • Where general feedback on a closed round is available, it will be published on a new ‘Feedback’ page on this website. This new approach will make it easier for applicants to find the information they’re looking for quickly.

Where should I go if I have a concern?

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