Grant Recipient Portal website changes

The Community Grants Hub is continuously improving the Grant Recipient Portal (the Portal) so you can better manage your grants online. A number of improvements were made to the Portal from Monday 13 June 2022. 

What’s improved?

Improved data exporting functionality

Searching for and exporting your data from the Portal is now easier. We’ve rearranged the export order so that exporting as a spreadsheet such as Excel is at the top of the list: 

  • Tab Separated
  • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
  • Comma Separated

‘Tab Separated’ allows you to export data in a table structure, e.g. a spreadsheet such as Excel.

Improved filtering makes your bank account management easier

Manage your bank accounts quickly and efficiently with these new filters: 

  •  All Bank Accounts
  •  Active Bank Accounts
  •  Unapproved Bank Accounts
  •  Inactive Bank Accounts

Further Information 

To log in to the Portal please visit our Portal Login 

 If you are not yet registered, follow our easy step-by-step quick start guide available on the Community Grants Hub website.
To see how easy it is to use the Portal, check out our videos and other resources on the Community Grants Hub website, Grant Recipient Portal page

For technical assistance with the Portal, please contact the GRP Helpdesk:

 [email protected]


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