Strong and Resilient Communities (SARC) Activity – Inclusive Communities Grants – Upcoming Grant Opportunity
The Strong and Resilient Communities (SARC) Activity – Inclusive Communities Grants aim to support the social and economic participation of vulnerable and disadvantaged people by enabling the development of community driven/led solutions designed to meet identified strong needs that place people on long term pathways towards self-reliance.
Time limited projects will be funded to focus on supporting community connection and inclusion through creating pathways to social and economic participation. The following key cohorts will be targeted:
- children and youth under 18 years
- unemployed people
- vulnerable and disadvantaged women
- people with disability or mental health issues.
Projects delivering online supports to improve the social and economic participation of people within their communities will also be sought.
Resources for prospective applicants
A series of virtual information sessions were held in July 2021 to present indicative program logics and to explore the development of strong project outcomes under the SARC Activity – Inclusive Communities Grants.
The presentations, questions and answers arising from the sessions as well as a tool to assist in formulating a program logic narrative are available at GrantConnect.