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Phase Out of Live Sheep Exports by Sea – transition support: Enhancing Market Demand Grants Program – Round 1

On 8 November 2024 applications will open for grants from the Phase Out of Live Sheep Exports by Sea transition support: Enhancing Market Demand Program – Round 1. This round will award grants totalling $2.0 million (exclusive GST) from 2024–25 to 2026–27. Round 2, opening at a later date, will award grants totalling $2.4 million (exclusive GST).

The objectives of this program are to explore the opportunities to maintain and develop:

  • interstate and overseas markets for Australian sheep products
  • markets for Australian agri-food in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

The program will provide grants for projects that:

  • demonstrate broad support across relevant industry stakeholders and demonstrate application or benefit across industry/ies nationally
  • provide research and analysis products (for example, market and consumer analyses)
  • strengthen business relationships for the benefit of the Australian sheep industry or Australian agriculture and food industries nationally.

More information about the program will be provided in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines to be released on 8 November 2024.

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