Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

New grant opportunity coming soon!

Grants through the Inclusion and Accessibility Fund are aimed at reducing harm to people with disability and increasing their inclusion and participation. The objectives include disability responsive key professional workforces and improved community attitudes in relation to disability and barriers to the participation and inclusion of people with disability.

Powerd Media will be invited to apply for a grant up to $120,000 (GST exclusive) to support the production, publication and advertising of a podcast series focused on ADS Outcome areas.

The grant can be used for research and development costs and any other costs associated with the production of a series of 6 podcasts to be delivered over a 12-month period.

This Inclusion and Accessibility Fund grant opportunity will be open for application from the invited organisation only. The eligible organisation should read the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and relevant supporting documentation.

Grant Opportunity Guidelines and other supporting documents will be published when the grant opportunity is open for applications.

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