Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Financial Wellbeing & Capability Activity Grant Opportunity: Commonwealth Financial Counselling & Financial Capability

The Australian Government is inviting organisations to apply for funding under the Financial Wellbeing and Capability (FWC) Activity – Commonwealth Financial Counselling and Financial Capability (CFCFC) program, through an open competitive grant process.

Up to $98.6 million over 5 years will be available nationally from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2030.

CFCFC provides free, confidential and non-judgmental financial counselling and financial capability services, including information, advice and advocacy to eligible people experiencing financial difficulty. 

These services help people in financial difficulty to work through immediate financial problems, and build long-term financial capability to withstand future financial impacts.

This grant opportunity is expected to be open in coming weeks for 6 weeks.

Priorities for CFCFC grants include:

  • services are responsive to client and community needs and demand, including from unforeseen crisis events such as disasters
  • a focus on early intervention
  • a mix of face-to-face, phone, online and outreach services
  • services and funding provided at the ABS Statistical Area Level 4
  • wrap around services and referrals for clients with complex needs
  • specialist staff training
  • mix of large, small, First Nations and multicultural providers
  • support for consortia arrangements
  • participation in sector-wide financial counselling projects.

Further details will be in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

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