Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Timing of grant opportunity processes

It is important for applicants to read all the available information when applying for a grant opportunity. Grant opportunity submission periods are advertised in the associated Grant Opportunity Guidelines (Guidelines) which are published to GrantConnect and the Community Grants Hub website.

The applicant must adhere to the Guidelines and information published in the grant opportunity questions and answers. Late applications are not accepted unless an applicant has experienced exceptional circumstances, which prevented the submission of their application on time. Failure to allow sufficient time to prepare, review and submit an application, is not considered exceptional circumstances.

The Community Grants Hub (Hub) will provide all exceptional circumstances for consideration to the Grant Opportunity Delegate or their appointed representative. Decisions to accept or decline a late application will be considered based on the merits of the request and in accordance with probity principles. The Grant Opportunity Delegate or their appointed representative will make the final decision in an open and transparent manner, which is consistent and fair to all applicants.

Broadly, exceptional circumstances are events characterised by one or more of the following:

  • Unforeseeable
  • Beyond the applicant’s control
  • Unable to be managed or resolved within the application period.

Applicants seeking to submit a late application will be required to submit an email request to the Hub via [email protected] within three business days of the grant opportunity closing. Any requests to submit a late application outside of the three business days will not be considered.

The Hub will provide the applicant with an email containing a link and instructions to complete the application form. The email will also outline the process for both accepted and declined late applications, the next steps and the timing of outcome notifications.

The applicant will be prompted within the late application form to provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances preventing submission prior to the closure of the grant opportunity. Where appropriate, the applicant can provide supporting evidence to verify the claim of exceptional circumstances.

The Grant Opportunity Delegate or their appointed representative’s decision is final and not subject to a review or an appeal process.

How to lodge a late application

Applicants seeking to submit a late application will be required to submit a late application request to the Community Grants Hub. The request should include a detailed explanation of the circumstances that prevented the application being submitted prior to the closing time. Where appropriate, supporting evidence can be provided to verify the claim of exceptional circumstances.

To make a request to submit a late application, please complete the Late Application Request Form.

Step 1. save this PDF to your desktop
Step 2. open the document
Step 3. complete the form
Step 4. click the submit button (this will create an email to be sent to [email protected]).


Complete the form in Word and attach it to an email sent to [email protected].

Requests for a late application must be made within three days of the grant opportunity closing, unless otherwise specified in the grant opportunity guidelines.

The delegate1 or their appointed representative will determine whether a late application will be accepted. The decision of the delegate will be final and not be subject to a review or appeals process. Once the outcome is determined, the Community Grants Hub will advise the applicant if their request is accepted or declined.

1 This may be the Hub delegate or nominated staff member of the client agency at the EL2 level or above.