Caretaker message

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Complaints process for grant recipients

There is a requirement in every Grant Agreement that grant recipients must have a documented complaints process and must publicise the process to its clients.

Below are some suggestions that may help you meet this requirement.

  1. Create and maintain a list of complaints you have received in a “Complaints Register”.
  2. You should include, at a minimum, the  following materials and information in your Complaint Register:
    1. details of all complaints you have received, and
    2. details of all complaints referred to you by, or through the grant provider
    3. Each record in the Complaints Register should include:
      1. details about who made the complaint, including the name of the complainant (if provided) and, if relevant, the name of the person being complained about
      2. the name of your staff member(s) handling the complaint
      3. the date that the complaint was made
      4. the nature of the complaint
      5. whether the complaint was received directly or referred to you by the grant provider
      6. details of when you have had contact with the complainant and the action taken, including dates
      7. the outcome of any action taken (including whether there was an investigation and the outcome)
      8. date when the complaint wa finalised, or resolved
      9. any follow up action required, and
      10. any changes to your service, procedures, or other action to be taken, resulting from the complaint.
  1. Hold your Complaints Register at your premises.

What is a complaint

‘Complaint’ means any expression of dissatisfaction by anyone that has been received by you, or referred to you by the grant provider, with your policies, procedures, employees, or quality of service offered or provided. It does not include:

  • a request for services, unless it is a second or further request when there has been no response to the earlier request(s)
  • a request for information or explanation of a policy or procedures, or
  • an appeal against a decision, when it is a normal part of standard procedure or policy.

You may contact the Community Grant Hub’s complaints service to make a complaint about our service(s) or the service(s) of another grant recipient.