Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Accounting for the grant: your financial reporting requirements

Financial reporting is an essential requirement in Grant Agreements. It assures that your Organisation spent the funding efficiently, effectively and ethically per the Agreement.

The level of assurance required may differ for each funded activity. There are three types of financial acquittal reports:

How do I know my financial reporting requirement?

Your financial reporting requirement, including the due date, is specified in your Grant Agreement.

Contact your Funding Arrangement Manager as soon as possible if your Organisation cannot provide the required financial acquittal report by the due date specified in your grant agreement.

How do I submit my financial acquittal report?

Organisations funded by the Department of Health & Aged Care will be emailed an acquittal reminder email, with a Financial Declaration template 30 days before the due date.

Organisations not funded by the Department of Health & Aged Care: Your financial acquittal report is submitted by completing the online acquittal form. Links to your online acquittal form are emailed to you 30 days before the acquittal is due.

Organisations registered with the Grant Recipient Portal will be prompted to access acquittal forms directly from the portal links. If you need assistance accessing the Grant Recipient Portal, please visit the Grant Recipient Portal Access page.

Organisations not registered for the Grant Recipient Portal will receive a link and code to access the Financial Acquittal report. Please note that each acquittal has a unique link and access code; you cannot complete your acquittal using an old or alternate link. See the task card on how to complete the online form.

If required manual acquittal documents can be submitted via email to: