Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.


Please note that there are different selection processes available. More information is available on the Selection Processes page.

The outcome of all grants awarded and funding rounds, including direct rounds, are published on GrantConnect no later than 21 working days after the grant agreement takes effect, in accordance with the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Principles 2024.

GrantConnect is the Australian Government’s centralised grants information system. It is the authoritative source for grants information.

Open Grants


Community Legal Services Program 2025-2030


Grant Category

Legal Services

Closing Date & Time


Selection Process

Closed non-competitive

Delivered on behalf of

Attorney-General's Department
The program aims to achieve a national legal assistance sector that is integrated, efficient, and effective, and appropriate legal assistance services that are focused on improving outcomes and keeping the justice system within reach for vulnerable people facing disadvantage.

Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) Program 2025–26


Grant Category


Closing Date & Time


Selection Process


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Veterans' Affairs
The Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) program supports the role of ex-service organisation (ESO) wellbeing and compensation advocates, who provide advice and assistance to the veteran and defence communities.
Australian Government. Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder.

CEWH Environmental Activities

Australian Government. Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder.

Grant Category

Water Resources

Closing Date & Time


Selection Process

Open non-competitive

Delivered on behalf of

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
The CEWH Environmental Activities grant provides funding for environmental activities projects that aim to restore or improve the health of rivers, floodplains and wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin. Environmental activities projects are funded by the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder.
Cows in a field with the sun low in the sky behind them

Natural Heritage Trust’s Climate-Smart Agriculture Program – Capacity Building Grants Round 2

Cows in a field with the sun low in the sky behind them

Grant Category


Closing Date & Time


Selection Process

Open competitive

Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
The Capacity Building grants will support farmers to have better access to knowledge and skills relating to best practice climate-smart sustainable agriculture approaches. Round 2 will provide up to $16.58 million (GST exclusive) for grants of up to three years from 2025-26 to 2027-28.
image of a young tree

Forestry Industry - Support Plantation Establishment Round 3 - Batches 1, 2 and 3

image of a young tree General Feedback

Grant Category


Closing Date & Time


Selection Process


Delivered on behalf of

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
This grant supports the establishment of new long rotation softwood and hardwood plantation forests and assists the sector to respond to the projected growth in demand for domestically sourced timber resources, contributing to Australia’s carbon emissions reduction commitments.

Closed Grants

A woman in a wheelchair discussing a project on her laptop with colleagues

Inclusion and Accessibility Fund: Australia’s Disability Strategy (ADS): Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA)

A woman in a wheelchair discussing a project on her laptop with colleagues

Grant Category

Services for People with Disabilities
The Inclusion and Accessibility Fund aims to support grass roots efforts to create safe and inclusive communities by improving understanding and shifting mindsets in relation to disability, and barriers to inclusion of people with disability.
2 men sitting together on a bus

Inclusion and Accessibility Fund: Australia’s Disability Strategy (ADS): First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN)

2 men sitting together on a bus

Grant Category

Services for People with Disabilities
The Inclusion and Accessibility Fund aims to support grass roots efforts to create safe and inclusive communities by improving understanding and shifting mindsets in relation to disability, and barriers to inclusion of people with disability.
Stronger Places, Stronger People 2025-2029

Stronger Places, Stronger People 2025-2029

Stronger Places, Stronger People 2025-2029

Grant Category

Community Development
Stronger Places, Stronger People is a place-based, collective impact initiative being stewarded by the Australian Government in partnership with state and territory governments and 10 communities across Australia.
Australian Government. Department of Social Services.

Community-led Solutions Economic Development Tranche 3

Australian Government. Department of Social Services.

Grant Category

Community Development
The Community-led Solutions Economic Development Tranche 3 (CSED T3) grant opportunity seeks to create self-sustaining and ongoing local job opportunities, through community-led capital infrastructure projects in the Northern Territory and Doomadgee, Queensland.
Pic of 4 hands holding each other

Justice Reinvestment in Central Australia Program - Round 3

Pic of 4 hands holding each other

Grant Category

Indigenous Communities
Successful initiatives under this opportunity will prevent and reduce Central Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ contact with the criminal justice system through place-based, community led measures to prevent crime, treat drug and alcohol misuse or address illegal drug use.
WorkFoundations Paid Employment Pathways Program

Paid Employment Pathways Package - WorkFoundations

WorkFoundations Paid Employment Pathways Program

Grant Category

Employment Services
The WorkFoundations grant opportunity aims to fund social enterprises and businesses who can provide tailored, paid employment placements for job seekers facing challenging barriers to employment.