The Try, Test and Learn Fund: Skills for Micro-enterprise Project

Please note feedback for this round is available below.
The Australian Government is inviting organisations via a restricted competitive process to apply to deliver services under the Try, Test and Learn Fund: Skills for Micro-enterprise Project from 2017-18 to 2020-21.
This project seeks to increase young carers’ readiness for participation in employment through developing skills and experience for creating and running small businesses which are also relevant and transferrable skills for formal employment. It will help young carers to develop the capabilities required for employment, while giving them access to appropriate support services and a peer network. The project will support 90 young carers in the trial location who are aged 18-25 and receiving the Carer Payment, or Carer Allowance in addition to some other form of income support. The cohort to be supported contributes significantly to the wellbeing of their loved ones and our communities. Due to these caring roles, they are at increased risk of long-term welfare dependence. This risk needs to be addressed in order for young carers to live a fulfilled life and achieve their aspirations.
The project will respond to the barriers to employment that young carers face by assisting them to develop the skills and capabilities that they need to progress their business ideas or to gain employment, while giving them access to appropriate support services and a peer network. It will use coaching, mentorship and peer support; an incubator program; multi-channel delivery modes and an industry showcase event to help young carers to: set goals for gaining employment and / or developing a business idea and understand what support is required to pursue those goals; develop skills and experience for creating and running small businesses, which are also relevant and transferrable skills to formal employment; and access wrap-around support in pursuit of their goals, including support services and employer contacts and industry exposure.
More information
More information about the services under the Try, Test and Learn Fund: Skills for Micro-enterprise Project and their delivery, as well as requirements for applicants can be found in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.
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More information about the Community Grants Hub can be found at the Community Grants Hub website.
Please quote 2017-991– Try, Test and Learn Fund: Skills for Micro-enterprise Project when you phone or email the Community Grants Hub.