Saluting Their Service Commemorations Program
PLEASE NOTE: This grant opportunity is now closed. Applications for the new round of the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program are now open.
Information about applying for this round can be found on the Community Grants Hub website and GrantConnect.
The Australian Government is inviting applicants through an open competitive process to apply for grant funding during the 2019-20 financial year under Outcome 3.2 - Commemorative Activities -Saluting Their Service Commemorations Program.
The program is designed to preserve Australia’s wartime heritage and to involve people throughout the nation in a wide range of projects and activities that highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel in wars, conflicts and peace operations.
The objective of the program is to acknowledge and commemorate those who served Australia and its allies in wars, conflicts and peace operations.
There are two categories of grants available under the program:
1. Community Commemorative Grants
Grants up to a maximum of $4,000 available for local, community-based projects and activities
2. Major Commemorative Grants
Grants available for major commemorative projects and activities that are significant from a national or state/territory perspective
For the intended outcomes of the grant opportunity, refer to the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.
Batching of applications
The Hub will divide the assessment of applications into two batches. Each batch will contain applications that have been submitted for the grant opportunity over a four month period. The table below identifies the cut-off dates for the two batches.
Batch |
Applications submitted by: |
1 |
3 July 2019 |
2 |
11:00PM AEDT on 6 November 2019 |
More information
More information about the Saluting Their Service Commemorations Program, as well as requirements for applicants, can be found in the following grant opportunity documents:
- Grant Opportunity Guidelines
- Questions and Answers
- Sample Letter of Agreement with Grant Conditions
- Sample Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement with General Grant Conditions
- Sample Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement Supplementary Terms
Subscribe to receive updates
Organisations and individuals interested in Community Grants Hub grant rounds are encouraged to subscribe to receive alerts when new information is made available.
Other future grant opportunities are published on GrantConnect, the Australian Government grants information system.
Contacting the Community Grants Hub
If you would like assistance, please call the Community Grants Hub Hotline on 1800 020 283 (Option 1) or email [email protected].
More information about the Community Grants Hub can be found on the Community Grants Hub website.
Please quote 2018-2716 – Saluting Their Service Commemorations Program when you phone or email the Community Grants Hub.