National Landcare Program: Smart Farms Small Grants: Soil Extension Activities

The grant round will support soil extension activities that contribute to achieving the program outcomes outlined in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines. These activities will be supported by a National Community of Practice. Performance against program outcomes will be measured through regular reporting and monitoring and evaluation plans.
Eligible extension activities will be delivered to farmers, land managers and the wider network of farm advisers. They will promote management practices that leads to better soil health including promoting the National Soil Monitoring and Incentives Pilot Program, soil testing and interpretation of results, and lead to improved sustainable soil management practices through the development and promotion of communication products, education awareness and training sessions, and on-ground trials and demonstrations.
Extension activities must be provided by a suitably qualified person, with qualifications in soil science or a similar field, demonstrated experience in soil management, or in the process of attaining qualifications or experience.
The program will run from February 2022 to 30 June 2023. Available grants are over 2 years for a minimum of $100,000 ($50,000 per year) or a maximum of $250,000 ($125,000 per year), up to a maximum of $2 million.
More information
More information about the Smart Farms Small Grants: Soil Extension Activities program as well as requirements for applicants, can be found in the following grant opportunity documents:
- Grant Opportunity Guidelines
- Questions and Answers
- Sample Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement and Conditions
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Other future grant opportunities are published on GrantConnect, the Australian Government grants information system.
Contacting the Community Grants Hub
If you would like assistance, please call the Community Grants Hub Hotline on 1800 020 283 (option 1) or email [email protected].
More information about the Community Grants Hub can be found on the Community Grants Hub website.
Please quote 2021-5971 – National Landcare Program: Smart Farms Small Grants: Soil Extension Activities when you phone or email the Community Grants Hub.