Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

Grant Recipient Portal Factsheet

The Community Grants Hub (Hub) delivers community grants on behalf of Australian government agencies. The Hub works with Australian Government agencies, grant applicants and grant recipients to deliver a more streamlined, simpler and consistent approach to grants administration.

What is the Grant Recipient Portal?

One way the Hub is making it easier for grant recipients to manage their grants is through the Grant Recipient Portal (Portal).

The Portal is an intuitive, online service for grant recipients to self-manage their grants administration needs more easily, such as:

  • accessing their grants information in one place, anytime
  • viewing their activities and milestones
  • searching and resending copies of their payment advice
  • updating their organisational details and Portal user access
  • updating and requesting changes to their organisation’s bank account details
  • managing their organisation’s staff information
  • submitting reports *
  • managing and accepting funding offers and variations *

* currently only available for some programs